
Electricity Distribution Grid

Electricity usage is expected to double in the next 10 years due to electric vehicles, but electricity providers’ current infrastructure cannot meet the growing demand. Infrastructure upgrades are required one way or the other, but Aqua-Cell’s battery offers a promising intermediate step for modular scaling of the grid. Using our batteries, grid providers can defer expensive substation upgrades for 10+ years at a fraction of the cost.

Factories & Industrial Facilities

Thousands of facilities in North America and around the world use electricity for 12+ hours each day, resulting in millions of dollars each year in electricity operation costs. These costs can be lowered significantly by reducing peak-demand electricity usage and through arbitrage in cyclical markets. Aqua-Cell’s battery offers the ability for peak-load-shifting to reduce electrical bills and attain these goals.

Factories & Industrial Facilities

Thousands of facilities in North America and around the world use electricity for 12+ hours each day, resulting in millions of dollars each year in electricity operation costs. These costs can be lowered significantly by reducing peak-demand electricity usage and through arbitrage in cyclical markets. Aqua-Cell’s battery offers the ability for peak-load-shifting to reduce electrical bills and attain these goals.

Micro Grids & Remote Communities

Microgrids are distributed sections of the electrical grid that can function completely isolated from the rest of the electrical grid. Many remote communities in rural or island locations are currently forced to burn expensive diesel throughout the night when solar energy is not being produced for their grid. Using the Aqua-Cell Battery, remote communities and microgrids can achieve self-sufficiency using solely renewable resources.
